
Thanks for stopping by!

I’m Megan, an upstate New Yorker who is new to parenting and blogging. Up until recently, I’ve considered myself an analytical introvert. Then motherhood happened and completely rearranged my priorities and identity.

These days, my urge to create and connect with other parents trumps my fear of putting myself out there. I launched Mom’s Got it Made as a creative outlet to share some of what I learn.

Please don’t interpret my domain name to mean that I’m one of those “together” moms who makes parenting look effortless – I am so not that. I’ll admit it, 90% of the time I am successfully balancing life as a new mom along with my crafty undertakings and professional responsibilities. But the other 10% of the time I make up for it by pouring iced-coffee into a baby bottle or locking myself out of the house with no shoes, a baby and a leashless dog.

Get in touch

Let’s connect! It is so exciting (and shocking!) to hear from others who relate to my blog. Whatever your reason for visiting Mom’s Got it Made, I would absolutely love to hear from you.

Feel free to email me at MomsGotItMade@gmail.com or through my contact page. Subscribe to stay up-to-date or follow me on Pinterest.